

> kill author numero 3
is screaming wet. i trust > kill author to kill me. i would have their babies then promptly cover their heads with paper bags. within are these demigods: eric beeny, mel bosworth, jason jordan, michelle reale, drew kalbach, howie good, other megaliths. to tango with the likes of them is the most murderous of pleasures.

cur rent ly /// in side:

- kaddish, ginsberg
- walking the black cat, simic
- this by eric beeny at for every year
- follow by lauren becker here
- mediation by mel bosworth here
- embryonic, the flaming lips

- the dream of
- oil paint & blowdryers
- vodka, green wine & fiber optics

i'll eat you up i love you so


  1. congrats and thanks for the shotgun shot. i nearly fell over when i saw the credits at >ka. great verk, audri, and great to share the e-space wif you.

    ...you have fun pictures here.

  2. Hi Audri, I dug your poems big, as always. “[T]he universe as a mistake already in the process of correcting itself with amputee fingertips halloweening as light bulbs...” Wonderful.

    I liked 'Walking the Black Cat' a lot, and The Flaming Lips are always great...

  3. outstanding, read it three times and liked it more each time

  4. Keep it up Audri. Embryonic is good.
